Randy Siaya fishermen are breaking our beds - Lodging owners

Prostitution is rife in the area

Lodging owners in Siaya are counting losses despite a booming business. They claim that their customers are spoiling their beds when ‘in action,’ forcing them to replace them after every two months.

They have now reportedly resorted to installing concrete beds in their rooms to deal with the ‘problem.’

 Speaking to The Nairobian, a lodging owner who declined to be named said that they usually make between Sh20,000 and Sh40,000 on a good day.

“We charge Sh300 for a room and most of our customers always book for ‘short time,’ though we also have overnight customers,” he revealed.

However, despite fetching good money, he says the cost of maintaining the rooms is too high and they end up making losses.

“My caretaker reports spoilt beds almost everyday. I decided to build concreted slab beds which are durable,” he added.

Prostitution is rife in the area and one of the sex workers revealed that she has no regrets being in the business.

 She said that most of her clients are fishermen who seek to unwind after a long day.

“On a good day, I can make between Sh3,000 and Sh5,000. Most of my clients, however, refuse to use protection. I have to force them to use condoms because I am HIV positive and I don’t want to spread the disease,” Christine Achieng (not her real name) said.

 Hundreds of fishermen, known locally known as ‘mapara’ bring life to the county and drive prostitution in the fishing centres and islands.