Busia Woman Representative Catherine Omanyo is rooting for the provision of uniforms to village elders in the country for easy identification.

According to Omanyo, having the elders wear uniforms would be a sign of honour, granting them authority.

Since the elders play an integral role in communities, the Woman Rep says they need to be in uniform as they form part of the administration under the Ministry of Interior.

Omanyo said although many of the village elders are considered to have low education, they are quite influential due to their closeness to the people.

"A budget should be allocated by the government for the elders to get a monthly stipend as a way of motivating them because their role in the society in controlling and curbing security is crucial," the Woman Rep told The Nairobian.

Most of the elders according to Omanyo are experiencing financial challenges hence the need for government to support them in order for them to work without fear and favour.

The Woman Rep said she heavily relies on the elders back in her county where they advocate for girl rights.

"Before I reach out to the assistant chiefs going up the ladder for my advocacy; I first engage the Ligurus (elders) to pass my messages which they do very well and I have high respect for them. I will continue advocating for the wellbeing of their welfare and introduction of their monthly pay," said the legislator.

She proposed taking some of them for training at the Administration Police College in Embakasi to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills.