Dr Michael Magoha and his mother Dr Barbara Magoha during the late Prof George Magoha's funeral procession at KNEC offices. [David Gichuru, Standard]

Dr Barbara Magoha, widow of former Education CS Prof George Magoha, on Thursday narrated a dream she had a day after the passing of her husband.

Speaking during the requiem mass held at Consolata Shrine, Barbara stated that Magoha suffered four heart attacks before he finally rested and the following day she had a dream.

"The following day (after his death), I dreamt he asked me (the way we used to have discussions) ...pulling a seat and asking me, "What do you think I would have done in this situation? It was best for you and it was best for me."

"I woke up and I said, "I set you free."

Looking back at how they met in Nigeria, Barbara said Magoha's impeccable track record in all his areas of work was a fulfillment of her late mother's vision in 1980.

The two, Barbara and Magoha, met in Nigeria and after a short period, Magoha was already telling people they intended to get married.

At this point, Barbara went to her mum and informed her that she wanted to get married but she was adamant that she had to seek divine intervention first.

Dr Barbara Magoha speaks during the requiem mass at Consolata Shrine. [David Gichuru, Standard]

For three days she prayed. Looking for an answer and asking God whether Magoha was the right man for her daughter.

"My mum fasted and prayed for three days...she was never going to leave the church until she had an answer.

"On the third night my mum had a vision in 1980 that George Albert Omore Magoha was destined to be a great man and that he needed me and she had to allow me to get married to him," she said.

But it came at a cost. Magoha was given two conditions before marrying Barbara. He had to let her finish her undergraduate studies and he had to take care of her mum (his mother-in-law).

He diligently did this and Barbara stated that Magoha always catered to her mum's needs until her demise in 2008.

Last moments with Magoha

Recalling the last moments before Magoha breathed his last, Barbara said he was alright and even went to buy a few things in preparation for his brother's funeral but at some point he said he was thirsty.

"In two hours I had turned from Mrs to widow. He (Magoha) was okay...he was not sick. On January 24, 2023, he went out to buy things for his late brother's funeral. At 2pm he told me he was thirsty and I told him to rest due to the stress. At 2.30pm he asked me for a cough mixture and I just pointed to him and I walked away because I was ironing to go to work. While ironing I heard him calling me in a stressful voice. When I went I found that he had collapsed and his head was almost knocking on the wall [sic]l. I put my hand on the wall and then his tongue was coming out and I pressed it down for some fresh air. I called the workers who were there. He was revived [sic] and we put him on the floor. When he woke up he said, "I want to see my son." That is when I knew something wasn't right. If he had said, "Call me Mike" that's different. Then he said, "Call me my son." Two weeks earlier he had said if anything ever happened to him I should call Prof Mwanda...

Prof George Magoha's son Dr Michael Magoha speaks during the requiem mass at Consolata Shrine. [David Gichuru, Standard]

Barbara immediately called both Professor Mwanda and Michael (Magoha's son).

"When my son arrived, my husband spoke to my son...sat up, drunk...as his blood pressure was being checked by Mwanda, he had his second heart attack...and I think it must have been one of the most stressful things for my son when he had the third attack (knowing the implications) ...when he finally had the fourth one, he passed on. All this happened within two hours."

A requiem mass for the late Prof George Magoha was held at Consolata Shrine, Nairobi. [David Gichuru, Standard]