Rapper King Kaka.

King Kaka has released a new music series dubbed Diana. 'Diana' is a nine-part music series running between 1:20 to 4 minutes per episode.

The musical is about a typical Nairobian girl who loves a good time. Diana (Michelle Ntalami) meets and falls for a guy (King Kaka) at a party, and a romantic relationship starts.



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Unknown to him, Diana is already in a relationship with one of his friends Alvin (Robert Agengo). With this in mind, King Kaka tries to end the relationship; however, Diana is unwilling to let go. This issue drags on, ending in a violent scene where the audience is be left wondering who Diana will get rid of in the end.

“The Diana Series tackles the societal issues surrounding Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and how it has become rampant over the past years. The series also covers multiple layers which surround the GBV discussion,” said King Kaka



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He added that with the rise in GBV, it’s important to promote education on gender-based violence to reduce the stigma of victimization within the community. In addition, we all have a responsibility to take collective action against harmful gender and social norms and empower both men and women to recognize, address and prevent acts of gender-based violence.