• Nadia Mukami is an award-winning Kenyan singer who got her breakthrough via her hit song Radio Love.
  • In an exclusive with SDE on Most Googled Celebrity Questions she responds to fans’ most popular questions about her.

1. How old is Nadia Mukami?

I'm 23. I was born at Pumwani Hospital (laughs).

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2. What tribe is Nadia Mukami from?


3. Who is Nadia Mukami?

Nadia Mukami is a hardworking singer/ songwriter and performer. She's also a budding entrepreneur, very bubbly and loves life. She's visionary and also very tough. I like to laugh a lot but my other side is very tough.

READ ALSO: I made it- Nadia Mukami to ex-boyfriend who dumped her

4. Is Nadia Mukami a Meru?

No, I'm not a Meru. I get that a lot. But Meru and Embu are similar.

5. Who is Nadi Mukami Dating?

I really try to keep my private life to myself. You will never see me put a guy out there unless we're engaged. When heading into marriage, I think I'll show the guy.

I'm launching my EP titled the African Popster and it's really amazing. I have collaborations from Kenya Nigeria, Tanzania Rwanda.

The launch is set for April 30 at an invites-only event.