MP David Ole Sankok with his wife (inset) [Photo: Facebook]

“You chose me and rejected rich able-bodied men. Choices have consequences. Consequences can be positive or negative,” penned nominated MP David ole Sankok on Saturday, September 28, as he gifted his wife a sleek Subaru Outback.

MP David Ole Sankok with his wife [Photo: Facebook]

In the 760 word poem, Sankok stated that the car was a grand gesture of gratitude, a celebration of her love for him despite his disability and an affirmation of a pledge he made to her years ago.

"I can re-write the story again today as I present you this special gift of a car. I can remember that day we enjoyed our time at Uhuru Park. Money I had none except the Sh5 in my pocket which was only enough to buy two ice creams.

"I can remember we had not taken lunch that day. Not because we were not hungry but because my pockets were empty. True money I had none except many dreams and my special gift - sense of humour,” he went on.

MP David Ole Sankok's gift to his wife) [Photo: Facebook]

According to Sankok, she was the best thing to have ever happened to him having married her before he joined the University of Nairobi in 1998 to study medicine.

“I told you how I will build a palace and you believed even though we were still living in my mother's manyatta, sleeping on a cowhide as a mattress.

MP David Ole Sankok's wife [Photo: Facebook]

“My love; you left your father's stone house. You left two Datsun cars in your father's compound. You left your father's Chevrolet car. You left a Toyota lorry in your father's compound.

"You left three tractors in your father's compound. You followed a poor disable boy to my homestead with an axe and njora as the biggest machines,” he wrote.

Throwback photo of MP David Ole Sankok with his wife [Photo: Facebook]

Sanko noted that the gift was not a repayment but a special gift that shines a light at their undying love for each other.

“Though there is a big difference in monetary value. The special ice cream of our youth and this gift of a car are the same. Just like the ice cream, it is a special gift down from a loving heart. The price of a gift doesn't matter, what matters is the love attached to it.

MP David Ole Sankok's gifts his wife [Photo: Facebook]

“I present you this gift in remembrance of the sweet days of our sweet ice cream. I know you will smile. The same smile I saw when you took the ice cream from my hand.

“I know I will see that special glow in your eyes as you receive the keys of your own car.  A special gift from a loving husband to an equally a loving wife and a caring mother," wrote Sankok.

While pouring his heart out, the MP inadvertently shared never seen before photos of his home.

Neatly paved and beautifully faceted with a rainbow of paint, the mansion is imposing in design and whispers notion that the MP went all in to make it homely and spared no coin to make it a masterpiece.

MP David Ole Sankok with his wife [Photo: Facebook]
MP David Ole Sankok's with his wife [Photo: Facebook]
MP David Ole Sankok with his wife [Photo: Facebook]
MP David Ole Sankok with his wife [Photo: Facebook]
MP David Ole Sankok [Photo: Facebook]