Pulser launch at The Junction. Standard Media Group CEO Orlando Lyomu (top right) [Photo: Courtesy]

It is no longer a rumour! After 15 years of immense success, during which yours truly, Pulse, has ruled the local entertainment scene, the weekly magazine has given birth to yet another product - Pulser.

The new magazine was launched in Nairobi yesterday with pomp and colour with the who's-who in the showbiz industry in attendance.

The new regional product is all about enjoyment of life and it’s pegged on six pillars; music, celebrity lifestyle, trends and technology, travel and adventure, health and fitness and fashion.

Pulser launch at The Junction [Photo: SDE]

It is a monthly free ‘feel-good’ product that is now available in your favourite hangout joints besides being accessible online via the new Pulser website. It will also have reviews on TV and other platforms within The Standard Group. While the free Friday Pulse targets young people with the tag line ‘Get a Life', Pulser is a premium uptown product specially designed for pulsers who are “Living it up”.

“It does not matter how many modern entertainment and lifestyle magazines you have been heaping on the shelf. Pulser - Live it Up - is weaved to turn all those realities into experiences. Now that your life is off turbulence and you know exactly what you want out of it, it’s time we love on all the good things on the dessert table,” says the Pulser Editor Stevens Muendo.

Staff handing out copies of the Pulser [Photo: Courtesy]

“Never before has music, celebrity lifestyle, innovative trends and technology, health and fitness and fashion been served under one bouquet in such a saucy, diverse and classy seamless flow. From Nairobi, Africa’s cultural and entertainment melting pot, never in the past has the continent been exposed so positively as the beat of the music tune, the pinnacle of the theatre industry, the hallmark of the fashion industry, the home of the exotic beaches and game parks.

Pulser expresses our identity, with ego exalting our urban trends and lifestyle to the core and so with sincerity, precision and excitement. It is an experience. It is a lifestyle. This is what has been missing in your good life,” he says.

Pulser launch at The Junction: From left; Chero, Makori,Fena, Naiboi and Orlando Lyomu flanked by Hon. Passaris,Big Ted, Stevens and Kiptanui among others [Photo: SDE]

The product pulls together young and experienced writers from across Africa as well as columnists experienced in the various fields like health and fitness, fashion, sports, motoring, food and other exciting reviews that will bring the world to you.