Valentine’s Day is a week away and as usual, many people are expecting gifts from their loved ones. Truth is, some will not receive anything and here are some of the reasons why:

1. Your BF/Hubby simply cannot afford what you want

Your man might want to treat you but his pocket might be unwilling to cooperate. It is not that he is not romantic, he just does not have the money to spoil you.

2. Your BF/Hubby is Analogue

Probably your man does not see any value in buying flowers and chocolates. “What is the need of buying flowers which will wither after a few hours anyway?” He may ask himself.

3. Your bf/hubby doesn’t care about the day

There are men who are digital, yes, but they will keep themselves busy throughout the day just to avoid the Valentine hullabaloo altogether. They do not see why the day should be celebrated anyway since their better halves are “giving them hell”.

4. Your BF/Hubby is a double dealer

In case your bf/hubby is a ‘community husband’ chances are that you may not see him during this period. He will probably be spending the better part of the day with his side chic.

5. You are Arrogant /Nagging

If you have been arrogant to your man, there are high chances that he may not consider buying you any gift this valentine. This is because men are naturally inclined to love and appreciate women who are submissive and respective.

 6. You are not appreciative

If your man has been buying you gifts in the past and each time you criticize the kind of gifts he buys, then there is a high likelihood that he may not consider buying any this time. “What kind of man are you buying me these useless gifts” you could have fumed at one time.