A young man is dead in a mysterious manner and a celebrated rapper is accused of murder by the family. What does Octopizzo know about Kenneth Abom? Mkala Mwaghesha tries to piece together the ugly incident that has everyone, some say even the police, puzzled.
“Raise your words, not your voice. It’s the rain that grows flowers not thunder,” the lyrical gangster, a poet in his own right, Octopizzo posted on his Instagram page on Sunday.
There is an image of him looking dapper, surrounded by flowers and thriving greenery. He looks at peace, and not least bothered by the world and all the buzz that has all eyes on him.
He is on the spot, questioned for participating in a scuffle that led to Kenneth Abom, a Strathmore University student, jumping four floors down to critical injuries, and death two days later. The scuffle happened on Thursday, Kenneth died on Saturday.
According to Octopizzo, born Henry Ohanga, the scuffle ensued because he thought the 19-year-old was a thief.
“I chased him out of the house and neighbours identified him,” he is heard saying on phone, as he relays what happened. “Actually, his father was the first person I talked to after the incident. I did not know why he came to my house. An hour later, we heard that the boy dropped from the fourth floor.”
He had denied any involvement in his death, and the fact that he is walking free suggest the investigations are either on-going, or he is not directly implicated.
While Octopizzo said he was alone when Kenneth walked into the house, the rapper’s sister was said to be in the house, and according to Kenneth’s brother, she has been giving contradicting statements. She stated that she opened the door, then said she did not.
When he walked away after the confrontation, Kenneth’s father claimed his son had a head injury, while the brother explained that he seemed disoriented and was talking to himself. What the family has not been explaining is why Kenneth was in the rapper’s house.
Was Kenneth, an IT student who was a dancer, if a small clip of him and his gang dancing to trap is anything to go by, a thief? Why are there reports that Octopizzo was carrying a panga and threatening to slash the boy? And what was the boy doing for the hour or so he spent before he met his untimely death?
According to another narration doing rounds, Kenneth had confronted the Noma Ni rapper, accusing him of preying on his sister. Whether true or not, considering ‘Octo’ has only lived in Woodley for four weeks, only the two of them know the genesis of the scuffle.
On Monday, a post-mortem revealed that the late Kenneth had suffered multiple fractures on the limbs, abdomen and the head.
In the showbiz space, brand Octopizzo might take a beating.
Octo is a refugees’ ambassador and has collaborated with global organizations like UNHCR, UN, The American Embassy and the British Council. Besides Juliani and Eric Wainaina, he is among a handful of stars that are easily recognisable in the diplomatic circles, gracing concerts, dinners, fashion shows and charity events.
On Monday evening, Rabbit tweeted: “Let’s not be quick to judge Octopizzo. We wait for investigations.”
And since, the story seems to be getting its own life with friends, celebs and fans arguing - torn right in the middle, thirsty for the truth. Deadly as this sting might feel, only the truth will set this free.