Sanaipei Tande


  • I would love to get married because I want to share my life with someone, not because society says that I should
  • She says that she would not go to a sperm bank, even if she were to become a single mother.
  • I'm independent, but when it comes to relationships, I'm submissive


Former radio queen and musician Sanaipei Tande has opened up about her love life. She says she is single by choice and she is very happy. She added that she does not need a man to be a mother.

She maintained that she is not in a rush to find a man, settle down and have a baby although she said she gets lonely at times and wishes she had someone she can take care of.

Sanaipei said that in the event that she does not find suitable kind man to marry and start a family, she will still have a baby as science has discovered so many ways of making this possible.

‘’ Yes that’s true but am not going to get into my alternatives of getting a baby because what you say especially in faith do happen,’’ she said.

Sanaipei Tande

She once said that if she found a man who was Mr. Right, and gets married, she still wants to be financially independent in case things don't work out.

"I would love to get married because I want to share my life with someone, not because society says that I should. But if I don't get married, that is my cross to bear, not society's," she says.

She is quick to add that she would not go to a sperm bank, even if she were to become a single mother. It would probably be an arrangement with someone she knows. "I would be happy to get twins so I can finish the process at once," she says.

Sanaipei adds that her parents would probably not be for the idea of her becoming a single mother. "They want me to find a good man to settle down with just like every other parent does. I've seen their relationship of more than 30 years and would love to have that too.

I'm independent, but when it comes to relationships, I'm submissive. I've seen my mum do this. To this day, she will go home and ask my dad if she can make him tea or do anything for him. I like that."