Winnie Odinga at the carwash with Ruth, one of the ladies in the team
  • A group of young women, under the umbrella ‘Daughters of Raila’ carried out a car washing exercise as they raised funds for Raila’s campaigns
  • The group converged at a car wash in Nairobi and were joined by Raila’s daughter Winnie Odinga

A ladies campaign group supporting NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga went an extra mile in a bid to raise funds for the NASA chief. The ladies washed cars at a Nairobi car wash to raise funds for NASA campaigns in readiness for the repeat presidential elections on 17th October.

The ladies washing cars

The car wash fundraiser event took place at Luchar Carwash located beside Uhuru Gardens where they were joined by Winnie Odinga, Raila’s last born daughter.

'Daughters of Raila'

The ladies were branded in t-shirts with campaign slogans and images of Raila Odinga.

'Daughters of Raila'

NASA Coalition is seeking to raise money for campaigns. They provided a pay bill number last week where supporters and well-wishers would donate towards their campaign. In a presser a few days ago, NASA announced that they already raised 20 million through the fundraiser.

'Daughters of Raila'