Residents can now access free, fast and reliable free Wi-Fi.

Governor William Kabogo said the connection will help residents access information required for services such as applications for business permits. “This initiative is driven by the county’s mission to use technology in improving service delivery. It will enable rapid access to information vital for economic development,” said Kabogo while launching the programme at Kiambu Level 4 Hospital yesterday.

The high-capacity Wi-Fi network will cover a radius of 5kms from Kiambu town CBD with a capacity of 10 megabytes per second (Mbps). The Wi-Fi is available at Thika bus stop and Level 5 Hospital, Ruiru sub-county hospital and the bus stop.

It is also in Kiambu town and Kikuyu sub-county offices. The remaining sub-counties; Limuru, Kabete, Lari, Gatundu South, Gatundu North, Githunguri, Kiambaa and Juja, will be connected in the second phase.