Photo: FB/@realjaguarkenya

Musician Jaguar is well-known for his good deeds, recently having constructed a bridge for slum dwellers. This has led some to deduce that the Warrior singer is intending to vie for a political seat.

Jaguar recently took the daughter of the late legendary Kenyan musician Poxi Presha for shopping as she joins High School. Apparently, Jaguar and Poxi go a long way back. Here’s the full post by Jaguar:

When I look at my Musical career right now, I thank the almighty God a lot. The struggles and sacrifices all have attributed to where I'm the moment.

Talking of my Music career success without mentioning one Poxi Presha of the Otonglo Time hit song will be a big blunder, I know most of you are probably asking who he is. Ill share a brief story about Poxi and how we came to meet;

When I finished my high school studies , I came to Nairobi to hustle whereby I landed a job of cleaning a chemist in Umoja Estate which happened to be Proxi Presha's home . So One day going about my work, Poxi came to the Chemist where I was working and found me listening to one of my songs. I was very shocked when he requested me to rewind the song which I was listening to . Those days Poxi was a household name in Kenya, after listening to my song unfortunately he did not like it.

Poxi Photo: Courtesy

I remember him telling me that ''As long as you are making steps to improve every day, you will eventually be one of the best out there'' His statement motivated me to go back to the studio and recorded a new song which enabled me to perform alongside him in Embu the same year which was a big milestone in my career.

In 2005, Poxi Presha became sick which was a big blow to his career and the Kenyan Music Industry as he was a vivid anti-Piracy activist .Working in a chemist prompted me to request my boss to deduct my salary for the sake of Poxi's Medication since he had helped me a lot in my Musical journey. Unfortunately after the struggle with tuberculosis, Poxi passed away.

Poxi left behind a widow and a daughter whom I then vowed to help achieve her dreams especially supporting her education. Today I can say that I'm a proud man because the daughter will be joining Kisumu National Girls High School after passing very well in her KCPE Exams.

Photo: FB/@realjaguarkenya

Today we did her shopping.