Everyone has been created with the maximum capacity to do something. When this capacity is attained, one gets it hard to do more. But wait; there is always energy preserved to go an extra mile. Take for an instance a cleaner; when sweeping they do it very nicely, to the point of saturation when it is impossible to do more. However, when an unexpected dust clogs the well swept floor, the person will clean up the surface again, sometimes a midst grumbling and internal murmur. Nevertheless, it means that there is still energy to go an extra mile.

Going an extra mile means stretching a little further. This may bring the person closer to breaking point but he/she won't break. Everything you do today needs you to go just an extra mile. It may mean just waking up an hour earlier, adding a fruit to your meals, scrubbing the wall with a little more strength, raise your voice a little louder, step on that break or accelerator, or pedal a little more. If you are studying, your success might be lying in taking an extra hour awake or waking up earlier before the stipulated time. Anyone who goes an extra mile is always ahead. When others are struggling to catch up with time, he will be moving with time. This makes it easier to make necessary adjustments with little or no struggle.

There are therefore ways that can enable one to go an extra mile. One of them is setting daily objectives to keep one on the pace. This makes one to be self-driven and as a result, create time to do more. Another way is for the person to do what satisfies him/her mostly. It might be reading, writing or jogging. It stretches one for an extra mile. Also taking a break from one task to another and not overlapping so as not to drain ones energy. Taking a break enables one to find some humor and create energy to go further.

In many instances, as you put your mindset in going an extra mile, you will find that you have completed huge tasks without knowing. An extra mile runner is more likely to complete a race.

One day, it had rained heavily and the roads were blocked by tree trunks that had been uprooted by the strong wind that blew as it rained. I was with my friends from a particular visit. In reaching the bus stage, there was heavy traffic; no car was moving and the bus fare had shot up as though we were to contribute to purchase machines to clear the roads. My friends and I decided to jog and see where the traffic was less. We ran but we didn't see the end. As we proceeded, we reached a point where the traffic was at ease though not that much.


We asked to know if there was a decrease in fare but it was still the same. By that time we had covered about two kilometers. So we decided to go further, just in case. Every time we inquired, the fare charges still remained the same. So we would tell ourselves to go further and further. Surprisingly, when we looked around, we were joined with more people heading to the same destination. This even encouraged us to go further. At the end of the day we covered 8 kilometers unwittingly and we were home at last.

See, we never planned to go on foot but we did. We never planned of going for eight kilometers but that is what we covered. Another benefit was that when others were freezing in the cars and buses we were sweating and feeling warm.

As we were running, it happened that my mother was in one of the public buses and saw us. She called me and I never heard. She wanted me to join her but thanks I did not get to hear her in the midst of city madness and confusion. I arrived home earlier than her. Within 30 minutes, she arrived home. That is when she disclosed to me that she had been calling me from the point we begun running. And she was very surprised to learn that I did not actually take a vehicle.

My point is that there are benefits of going an extra mile. Take our case with my friends; a beginning that was of three ended up with multitudes of people. This is to say, if you decide to go an extra mile, you will meet others with the same purpose but couldn't take the first step. So with your bold step, they get encouraged from you as you get the same from them. You may as well benefit on the way by gaining more benefits which you wouldn’t have gained if you stayed in the place of your comfort. It is often said that the sky is the limit indicating that one can still go further for as long as he/she hasn’t reached the sky. So in your career, aim at an extra mile .This might come with new experience, brilliant ideas and better ways of resolving issues in life.