When a man rapes a woman, it is considered to be a violent and a dehumanizing act. Of course it is, but what about when a woman rapes a man. From time to time, we get news headlines about a woman who has been raped multiple times by different men at the same time. We all sympathize with this woman because the woman loses her dignity and gets so embarrassed to even face the world.

I have never had of cases where a man has been raped by multiple women, and if such cases happen, it is not considered that much of a big deal, unless it’s a child. There was a case in a girl’s school whereby they raped their male teacher during evening classes but it was not considered a big deal, but if it was a boys school and the boys did that to their female teacher, that would have been news for a whole week.

I asked some women if men can be raped by women and some of them said no, arguing that men enjoy the act and thus, does not qualify to be a rape case.

I believe that rape is having sex with someone against their will. So if a man is forcefully engaged in sex, that is rape. Men are human beings and they have feelings as well; and therefore, we should not ignore a case of a man being raped by a woman.