As the electioneering period draws near, aspiring and defending politicians continue to embrace space in funerals to air their political ambitions.

As if the cadre are happy of the deaths in order for them to woo voters, they talk happily about how they will transform what their predecessors have not done or those defending their seats sweet talk and lure their prospective voters to give them another term to finish their projects.

Funeral ceremonies are meant to condole with the bereaved families by giving them hope after the demise of their loved ones.

It is therefore uncouth for politicians to forcefully bring in their agenda, plainly disregarding the theme of the day.

Indeed, this issue adds pain to the bereaved families since they will perceive that what they are undergoing is not felt.

Politicians do not need reminding that the dead must to be accorded those last respects.

After all, we cannot eat, drink and sleep politics. There is a place and time for everything under the sun.