A recent research conducted by Ipsos Synovate in partnership with Kenya Breweries Limited on alcohol consumption, is worrying.

The startling study indicates that 36.7 per cent of underage Kenyans have consumed alcohol. The shocking findings have laid the blame on family parties like graduation and birthday functions converted to “drinking zones”, simply because alcoholic drinks are always abundant.

It is also appalling that approximately 49.3 per cent of relatives and friends have introduced majority of underage consumers to their first drink at the ages of between 12 and 16, according to the survey. Is it that relatives have turned a blind eye to their responsibilities?

It is only last month during the teachers’ strike when 500 students were found in an Eldoret club enjoying alcoholic drinks. The blame was placed on their parents who never questioned their children whereabouts.

Parents should be more vigilant during school holidays when students and pupils are likely to indulge in alcohol. The vice is propagated by idleness, which grants students ample time to squander in clubs.