Dinna Bhoke Makini, the mother of controversial rapper Jackson Ngechu Makini aka CMB is devastated after the now self-confessed corporate gangster brandished a gun at security officers at Standard Group on Friday night where his planned TV interview ended as a disaster.

The 36-year-old rapper had been forced out of the Betty Okari-hosted popular Friday Briefing Show when drama ensued between his crew and security personnel clearing him from the establishment.

The security guards instructed Prezzo, as per the procedures, to have his crew alight from the car as the driver took them through the visitors’ check unit. However, Prezzo could hear none of that. He instead pulled out his gun and threatened the security guards – to their shock.

His mother has since begged his fans to forgive him for the unbecoming behaviour during the live TV show in which he arguably sexually assaulted the newly-married host, an action that has been largely condemned by thousands on social media, including the presenter’s husband Dennis Okari, also a celebrated TV reporter.

The self-confessed King of Bling had been invited as guest anchor upon his request to feature following the release of his new song.

Prezzo, who is said to have been sober, had received enough warning cues from the TV host before she got physically offended by his uncomfortably touchy itchiness. Smoothing his face and wrapping his hands around her shoulders was nothing viewers would take, not least Betty’s husband who got the news through Twitter tags as the issue created a massive social buzz.

“I am really sorry babe @BettyOkari if what I am reading on the interweb is true. That kid didn’t deserve the stage,” Dennis apologised as he begged: “Ati Prezzo has done what? I’m not anywhere near a TV. Someone update me on what’s going on at Friday Briefing.”

“It always puzzles me why some artistes come live on TV drunk. A free Prime Time opportunity thousands would die for... despicable,” a frustrated Dennis went on.