Morgan Heritage reggae artist Gramps Morgan gives a talks on leadership and academics to students at the Nairobi university   PHOTO: DAVID GICHURU

Last October, Jamaican reggae royal family Morgan Heritage announced that they would be setting a permanent base in Kenya.

Like most foreign musicians who have declared the same, most of their fans did not buy the story.

But they have kept their word.

Led by Gramps, Peetah and Mojo Morgan, they were recently in Nairobi for business.

Heads Up has learnt that they are setting up a music studio, promoting Gramps Morgans food products and getting into partnerships with potential distributors.

“They will also be announcing their partners as soon as the paperwork is done,” a source revealed.

The trio, even attended the just-concluded Koroga Festival, where they mingled freely with their fans.

During their last visit, Morgan Heritage visited K’osewe, Steers, City Hall and even had a talk with University of Nairobi students.