Kelly Brown Photo: file

He was one of the few Kenyan musicians to gain international acclaim abroad. That is if you discount the successes of Fadhili Williams through his eternal composition, Malaika and Mombasa based, Safari Sounds band whose album, The Best of African Songs, still carries that coastal musical feel that still wows tourists over 40 plus years since its recording.

Kelly Brown, born Mohammed Abdulkarir Ali Bux in Mombasa was a local musical force of the 1970s and 80s. He fleshed his stage name from American Soul legend James Brown whom he adored.

Flamboyant Kelly Brown first performed in coastal tourist circuit after Chiquita Cara, a night club owner in Ganjoni Mombasa discovered his dancing talent at 18. But Kelly Brown‘s path to fame was via following the route taken by most musicians of his day — moving to Nairobi. Here, Kelly Brown performed at joints including the Florida Night Club (Mad House) and Club 1900. He also didn‘t bypass the hottest night spot of its day, Robbie Armstrong‘s Starlight Club where reputable bands like the Ashantis, Air Fiesta Matata and the Cavaliers performed. Such was Starlight‘s fame, King Gustav V of Sweden paid it a courtesy call on his tour of Kenya.

Besides Mad House which reinvented itself after temporary closure, the other clubs closed shop with Starlight‘s place being occupied by the Integrity Centre! With savings and guidance from Chiquita Cara, Kelly Brown briefly pitched tent in London before making Stuttgart Germany, his musical home where he performed with the band, Trans European Express before going solo with cover versions of Soul, Funk, Country and Jazz with an African touch.

Dubbed Kenya‘s Michael Jackson for his dance style and‚ total eclipse of the sun Afro hair do and inimitable singing of Jackson’s Thriller, Kelly Brown cemented his place in music with original compositions notably patriotic songs such as Kenay Nchi Yetu and Asante ya Punda besides crossover appeal songs like Sexy Lady and Only You Can. But it was with the chart topping hit, Higher, that he put Kenya on the world map, more so in Europe.

Kelly Brown was tragically murdered in Stuttgart Germany where he went missing for six weeks before his decomposed body was discovered on February 3, 1989. It was rumoured that he was murdered and his body dismembered after a German tycoon failed to keep his love struck teenage daughter off the spell of Kelly Brown — whose 35-year-old body was finally found in his apartment. Kelly Brown often performed for retired President Moi during his charity tours of Kenya, and little wonder his government bankrolled the airlifting of his body for burial in Mombasa.