The expatriate comes from a country where, despite economic collapse, employment remains quite high. There are lots of vacancies, but employers are finding it hard to find trained people to fill those positions, for various reasons. This is generally known as a 'tight' job market.

Funny, really, because in English the word 'tight' is a slang word for stingy, miserly or Scrooge-like, and indeed we'd usually think of employers as being 'tight', rather than markets.

The basic fact, though, is that employees are hard to find. It might be because British graduates are undertrained and therefore underskilled.

It's also because there's a historical tradition in the UK - made worse following decades of entitlement - of even desperate Brits being unwilling to work in long-hour, low-paid jobs. The French are a classic case of this. Everyone knows that the French would rather spend all day sitting in cafes, eating cheese and drinking wine while dreaming of a State-sponsored retirement at the age of 40. Following this, they ride bicycles until they die, while wearing strings of onions around their necks.

Also, in the UK, if you can't find a job, or look like you can't, the safety nets are many: government benefits and other benefits can kick in, enabling a person to survive, without deteriorating into absolute poverty.

Because Brits, for example, would rather eat chips all day rather than labour (and British chips are famously delicious), the fact is that Britain requires all the skilled and unskilled foreign labour that it can get its hands on, from hospitality jobs to agricultural labour.

Unfortunately, because Britain voted insanely for Brexit, it's difficult to source that labour and nobody foreign wants to come to Britain. Excepting of course refugees from those countries where Britain, along with America, started ridiculous wars.

And Britain doesn't want these people. So, the UK has shot itself in the foot.

In Kenya, unemployment is skyrocketing and threatens to spiral out of control as the youth enter job-seeking age. There are no jobs. There are still too few people with skills to fill skilled vacancies. There are vast numbers of people with degrees who have found that these are not the pieces of paper that many employers are looking for.

And of course, our support networks are rather poor. Government rarely steps in to support the jobless young, except by throwing some into the NYS and telling others to become 'entrepreneurs'. But you can't solve the unemployment crisis by telling young people to start their own businesses.

If you're unemployed, statistically it's still the extended family that needs to pitch in to see that you don't starve. This in turn keeps the sponsoring family members poor, and the wealth of the people in general decreases.

Which is why we need taxes. But even taxes can't support the numbers of jobless we have.

So, think about getting a job abroad. But even then, the globe's new nationalism means you're not welcome.

Capitalism ain't fun.