Machogu assured that the Ministry will leverage on a well-established system to deliver credible and unbiased placement results to realise 100 per cent transition for the 1,406,557 candidates.
"Already the Ministry has developed a fair and transparent system for Form One placement to ensure national, regional and socio-economic balance is achieved," he said.
Merit, school choice and affirmative action are some of the criteria used to place students in Form One.
"All parents should take advantage of the 100 per cent transition policy to enroll their children in form one," Machogu urged parents, expressing confidence in the government's preparedness to see the implementation of the 100 per cent policy.
In 2018, Kenya adopted the Policy on Universal Access to Basic Education.
The policy seeks to ensure that all children enroll in primary school and complete their secondary school education, with a 100 transition rate.
Owing to the end of the KCPE examinations, Machogu also announced the government's plan to offer special exams in January next year to candidates who missed the 2023 KCPE exams.
"The indicative figure we have at the moment for those who were not able to sit for the examination is 9,354 candidates and we have given them the opportunity to sit for our next examinations in January so that they will be able to join form one," he said.