Differences emerge over new KCSE grading system

He added: "Promote the student to take the easier route in academics and will slowly diminish the technical subjects. This will be detrimental to the science subjects because students are now going to take an easier route."

However, the rival union, Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut), has supported the adoption of the grading system.

Knut's secretary general Collins Oyuu said the rigidity in the marking and grading of learners has resulted in empty slots in colleges.

"We have had a problem of filing some colleges such as teaching colleges, and this has been due to the rigidity in grading and entry requirements," Oyuu said.

He stated that the ideology blends the CBC into the 8-4-4 curriculum.

"We must not forget why we changed from the 8-4-4; the system condemned learners in three transition stages. When they completed Class Eight, those who didn't pass were let go. In Form Four the same thing and in university, graduates are suffering from a lack of skills," he said.

On the other hand, National Parents Association chairman Silas Obuhatsa, argues that the changes should have been extended to this year's KCPE examinations.

He is of the opinion that the candidates should be graded only in three subjects, instead of all five.

"We welcome the changes but how we wish it was extended to KCPE as well. Being the last examination it would have helped thousands of students condemned to failure in KCPE," he said.

Prof Stephen Mbugua, the chairman of the Kenya Association of Private Universities, argues that it will provide better access to tertiary education and increase the number of students in these institutions.

Mbugua noted private universities have suffered a shrink in numbers since the adoption of the new university funding model that blocked the institutions from access to fully government-funded students.

"If the number of students qualifying for university increases, then chances are the number of admission in private and public universities will go up and in turn increase enrollment, this is especially important due to the dwindling numbers in private universities," Mbugua noted.

Education expert, Paul Wanjohi also weighed in on the reforms noting that he is of the opinion that the model should have been adopted years ago as it aligns with the aspirations of the new curriculum of developing the potential of each learner.