PS Korir presides over Kenya Institute of Surveying and Mapping graduation

He said KISM has continued to play an important role in Kenya's development and it has also served to train professionals from neighboring countries.

"KISM has been a focal point in the transfer of Geo-information knowledge within the East, Central and Southern Africa regions. This has been possible through the Third Country Group Training programmes," said PS Korir.

KISM has also collaborated with Kenya International Boundaries Office (KIBO) to train staff from Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan in short courses to empower them to reaffirm and map their common international boundaries.

Additionally, I have to mention that KISM is a Centre of Excellence in the Northern Corridor Integration Project (NCIP) involving Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan in the human capacity cluster.

The ceremony was also addressed by the Director of KISM Jesse Waithaka, the Director of Surveys Weldon Maritim and the President of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya Abraham Samoei.