
Official arrested after losing National exams container keys

An Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) in Machakos has been arrested after losing keys for an examination container padlock, just few days to the commencement of national examinations.

According to reports, Lukenya ACC Elizabeth Karitu had left the keys in her handbag which was locked inside her car in a parking at Avenue Hospital in Nairobi on Saturday, when thugs allegedly broke into the vehicle and stole several valuables.

Machakos County Commissioner Esther Maina said the Kenya National Examinations Council was immediately notified about the incident and security beefed up at the container to forestall any possible theft or interference with the examination papers.

“There is no cause for alarm. Everything is under control. We have heightened security at the container as we await Knec to have the padlock replaced,” Ms Maina told Standard Digital on Sunday.

Ms Maina said the ACC had been interdicted as security agents launched intensive probe into the incident. She is being held for further questioning at Parklands Police Station in Nairobi.

In a report released last month by the national exams body, Knec, Machakos was among 15 counties which have been identified among examination cheating hot spots ahead of this year’s national examinations.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has already sacked twenty out of the thirty teachers who were involved in examination irregularities last year.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has said that findings of Knec investigation pointed fingers to officials who have relaxed on rules of examinations management.