
Kisumu school briefly shut after bees attack learners

Teachers leave Ogango Primary yesterday after the school was briefly shut following a bee attack. [Denish Ochieng', Standard]

Learning was yesterday paralysed when a swarm of bees attacked pupils at at Ogango Primary School.

At least 20 pupils were injured in the incident in Kisumu East, with seven pupils suffering mild stings and three others being severely stung. They were treated at a nearby dispensary.

According to the pupils, the morning assembly had just ended and they were going to their respective classes when some learners disturbed the bees in one of the trees in the compound.

Safer places

“Previously, there were some birds living there and the pupils usually throw stones to scare them away. Little did they know the tree was now inhabited by bees,” said a Standard Eight pupil who escaped unhurt.

The angry bees attacked the pupils and teachers, prompting everybody to take to their heels. Passers-by came to the pupils' rescue.

Teachers said they were not aware of the presence of the bees, and most of them had to seek refuge in safer places after the pupils raised the alarm.

Wilfred Oluoch, a parent who operates a boda boda business at a nearby bus terminus, said he was the first to get into the compound when the alarm was raised.


“When I got in, the children were running helter-skelter. I found two who had been overwhelmed by the bees and rushed them to the hospital on my motorcycle,” he said, adding that his helmet and jacket protected him from being stung.

Sub-county Director of Education Stanley Shitanda said the school was temporarily shut to protect the children and teachers, adding that his office planned to get rid of the bees.

“Someone has visited the school to assess the situation, and we are waiting for the day to cool down so that it can be sprayed. Once the spraying is done, the children will be called back to school,” said Mr Shitanda.