
Form one student probed over dumping foetus in school toilet

A Form One student at Mudavadi Girls High School Madzuu in Vihiga County is being investigated by police officers after she aborted a foetus and dumped it at the school’s toilet.

Vihiga OCPD Justin Nyaga said a teacher reported to them that one of their students had dumped a foetus at the latrines, on Wednesday evening.

“We immediately went to the school and true to it, there was a foetus dumped. In our initial investigations, we found one student who is in Form One, she admitted that she had dumped the foetus because she was afraid of being seen with an infant in school,” Nyaga said.

The police boss said they have taken the 15-year-old kid to the hospital to get some treatment against infections before they continue with their probe.

“It is one of the cases we have never encountered in this region. We are urging students to refrain from such because it can result in among other things, death,” he said.

He noted so far, they have not been able to get the full information from the student regarding how the abortion was carried out and if there were others involved in it.