Dating guru who charges men Sh262,000 for flirting course reveals 5 word tip on talking to women

A dating guru who charges men Sh262,000 for a course on how to flirt has revealed his top tips for approaching women.

Chris Manak runs a five-week course in his native Australia where he helps men break down their fears over talking to women.

With clients such as pilots, actors and models, 35-year-old Chris said his course, called the Manic Workshop, was not just for "loveable losers" and revealed the best way to approach a woman .

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Chris said men should not aim to "win" the woman over, adding: "Don't go in thinking "how can I make this girl fall in love with me?" as you've already put her on a pedestal. 'Don't be that creepy guy.'

But, giving his best tip on how to approach the woman, Chris said: "Say, "excuse me," and give her a moment to register and look at you.

"Don't use a line, instead think about specifically what it was that made you want to talk to her, for example, "I'm so curious as to where you are from?"."

Chris also says asking a woman for the time does not work, and advises using something specific about her to begin the conversation.

During his five-week course, Chris will meet up with clients for one-to-one sessions as well as for group evenings out where the men have to put their learning into practice.

Each client will approach around five woman in each day session and in the evenings, they will go to a bar for around four hours.

Although this may seem like Chris was always a confident person, he claims the opposite is in fact true.

After not feeling confident in himself, he decided to start approaching women and ended up doing this around 30 times a week.

He has now approached some 10,000 women and is now teaching his clients how best to overcome their fears and engage with women in a positive manner.