
Woman causes a stir for seducing son-in-law


 A mother-in-law in Donholm estate in Nairobi recently caused a stir when she sneaked into her son-in-law’s bed during an overnight visit.

The riveting telenovela began when the single mother-in-law developed a habit of visiting unannounced, a habit necessitated by the close proximity of her house to that of her son-in-law’s.

As many married couples will attest, living with a mother-in-law a few blocks away can present unique challenges. In fact, many would advice that such arrangements be avoided by all means necessary.


According to those in know, the mother-in-law made it her business to visit and check on her daughter every other week. Disturbed and irritated by her incessant visits, the young husband thought of strategies to diplomatically keep his mother-in-law at bay in vain.

Changing residence to a far off estate would have been an ideal solution but, unfortunately, relocating was out of the question because he is servicing a mortgage for the house.

Being a nosy and conniving woman, she flaunted all the unwritten rules governing the conduct of a visiting mother-in-law, especially those restricting her movement and freedom in the house. She always overstayed her visits. She would postpone her departure citing her concern for the newborn, adding she also needed to give her daughter tips on how to be a good wife.

Though the young man disliked the intrusion, his wife didn’t mind considering all the baby-sitting help and the husband ‘handling’ tips she was getting.

Strangely, whenever she would visit, she would make subtle advances at her son-in-law without her unsuspecting daughter noticing.

Of course, the man never told his wife about her mother’s disturbing behaviour fearing that it would dent the mother-daughter relationship or worse still, split the family right in the middle. Instead, he kept it to himself.

So when his wife recently travelled out of town for a workshop, her mother didn’t hesitate to milk the opportunity.

As usual, she came over that night in the name of watching over her one-year-old grandchild.

But in the dead of the night, when everybody was asleep, she sneaked into the man’s bedroom in a skimpy nightdress.

The man, who was dead asleep, jerked awake when he heard a soft creature sneak into his bed. He let out a loud scream that got neighbours dashing to his compound to rescue the poor man from the supposed danger.


Realising who she was, the enraged man threw her out of the house in a huff amid gasps from neighbours.

 Clad in skimpy nightwear, the embarrassed woman ran to her house, which was a few blocks away, amid shouts from angry and scandalised neighbours.

The man later called his wife and told her about her mother’s shenanigans while she was away. Still smarting from that despicable episode, he gave her an ultimatum: Either her mother moved to another estate, or he ends the marriage.

By the time of going to press, the marriage was still hanging in the balance.