Woman bites co-wife’s lips over business

A woman will serve 24 months community service for biting her co-wife’s lips over business rivalry.
Zipporah Nyang’acha appeared before Ogembo Senior Resident Magistrate Lily Nafula for assaulting Joyce Kerubo Osoro.
She committed the offence on June 14, at Isena village, Gucha. She denied the charges and the prosecution called six witnesses.
The court heard that at around 7 am that fateful day, the complainant was preparing breakfast when the accused confronted her.

"She demanded to know why I called a customer who was going to her shop. Before I could explain, she pulled me and bit my lower lip," the complainant said showing a scar.
She was taken to Nyacheki Dispensary for treatment before reporting to police.
Their mother-in-law who intervened told the court that the two operated businesses from their adjacent houses.
In her defence, the accused said she only wanted to know why the complainant was selling sugar cheaply.
"I have a kid and I am caring for the children the complainant left at our matrimonial home after the incident," the accused said in mitigation.
She will be reporting to Nyacheki DO’s office.

Teenage girl bites mother’s breast

A teenager told a Nakuru court that she bit her mother’s breast to protest her sexual escapades with her boyfriend in front of her.

The 15-year old girl told Senior Principal Magistrate John King’ori that she felt that the two were disrespecting her by carrying out their affair in her presence.
"I live with my mother in a one roomed house. We have only one bed and when my mum’s boyfriend comes to visit, I sleep on the couch as they go on with their business," she said. She had been charged that on November 1, at Bondeni Estate, Mau Narok she assaulted Rosemary Wahu.
The court heard that on the said day the accused and her mother were preparing supper when Samuel Mwangi came to visit.
The accused became rude towards Mwangi and when her mother inquired about her behaviour, she hit her and bit her breast before pushing her to the ground.
The minor revealed that Mwangi had been visiting them since she was 13 and that his presence made her uncomfortable.
King’ori ruled that the girl had the right to be angry, as the two adults had disrespected her by their actions.
"I have considered your mitigation and though you committed an offence I will set you free, but stay away from such behaviour," he ordered.