
Author Mailu unveils Trump's statue in his compound


African literature icon David Maillu installed President Donald Trump statue at his Mathemboni home, Kola, Makueni County. Besides the statue there are the writings “President Donald Trump Shithole” calling out Trump for his racist remarks which he reportedly made in 2018 against Africans and Haiti over immigration policies.[Stephen Nzioka/The standard]

When the world was witnessing the swearing in of United States President Donald Trump on Monday many miles away, in a small village of Mathemboni, Kaiti, Makueni county unusual low key mock swearing in of the 47th U.S president was also conducted-but with a different message-to warn him against white supremacy.

A reckoned African literature writer David Maillu through a statue that he started building immediately Trump was announced winner in 2024 U.S election sends a message against racism and respect for the blacks across the world.

 The monument which is 15 feet high sitting at a corner of his compound is also installed with a toilet. 

In January 2018, while meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at White house was reported to have referred African countries and Haiti as “Shithole countries while discussing on immigration policy.

This language used would later spark international conversations surrounding racism hence the writer’s move to make the monument dubbed ‘President Donald Trump Shithole’, a satirical move calling out Trump as he takes office, yet again.

“I did this to ensure I voice out opposition to any plans which would lead to many Africans shy from seeking jobs, education opportunities in the United States. Trump’s utterances in 2018 sparked anger worldwide and I wondered why would someone of his calibre utter such words,” said Maillu.

He said they had taken a relief after Trump lost in the 2020 to Joe Biden only for him to resurface later and win hence necessitating a need to use symbolic means of communicating to him as his 4 year-tenure kicks off.

African literature icon David Maillu installed President Donald Trump statue at his Mathemboni home, Kola, Makueni County. Besides the statue there are the writings “President Donald Trump Shithole” calling out Trump for his racist remarks which he reportedly made in 2018 against Africans and Haiti over immigration policies. [Stephen Nzioka/The standard]

“If you went to a hotel and order for goat meat, will you be able to tell you took meat from a black or white goat? At the end of the story you will only have meat. This is a symbolism of telling president that wasn’t worthy his status and that was an abuse to black race and people were hurt very badly,” he explained of what necessitated his works

The statue is such huge structure, made with concrete, and metallic rods with the front side taking after the face of the president donned in red tie, white shirt and navy blue coat and his head covered with grass stuck on the head with cement.

While unveiling the Trump statute yesterday, the king of African literature used drum beating and pouring of libation to curse any racism moves in United States where Trump has been insisting will kick out thousands of immigrants.

“America has been built by Africans and nobody should forget this. When I look at this statue I feel good and it reminds me of a man who is getting sworn in today. We are also swearing in him into the world he also abused,” he sarcastically said 

Maillu isn’t new in confronting authorities. In 2024 he published his latest book, “Gen Z push harder”, months after the country witnessed countrywide anti-government protests. He calls for the young generation in Africa to stand tall against bad governance.

Across his home, he has erected various monuments with some having art messages of opposing neo-colonialism.