The 2024 is a year that Kenyans will always have in mind. It has been busy for the criminal justice system actors burning midnight oil to keep the country safe.
On one hand, the General Police, Directorate of Criminal Investigations, and National Intelligence Service intensified the war on drugs, terrorism, gold scam, and financial crimes, among many others.
The Director of Public Prosecution approved and dropped cases while the Judiciary handed jail terms to those it found guilty of committing crimes.
It is also the year that the Kenya Police Service went international. However, the biggest test for the actors, police, Director of Public Prosecution and the Judiciary was the Gen-Z protests. This is how the year looked like from A to Z.
A for Akinyi and Athletics
Ms.Akinyi, also known as Joyce Akinyi will spend Christmas in jail after she was found guilty of having narcotics worth Sh 3 million. Ms. Akinyi was arrested alongside Pauline Kalala, from Congo and Peres Ochieng’ on July 13, 2019, at her Deep West bar in Nairobi West. The court at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) heard that found in possession of 1,002 grammes of heroin. She became famous for perhaps all the wrong reasons; from being jailed in India and her husband Anthony Chinedu, a Nigerian national being deported. In June 2013, Chinedu was deported from Kenya after authorities discovered narcotics in his possession. As crime does not pay, she was ordered in 2020 to forfeit vehicles worth Sh 20 million to the state. In the meantime, a retired athlete and a coach were in April this year sentenced for fabricating documents with a view of tarnishing Kenya's image as a doping haven. The athlete, Elias Kiptum Maindi, was jailed for one and a half years while the coach, Paul Kibet Simbolei, was sentenced to one year of imprisonment.
B for Breach of Peace
Due to the Christmas festivities, meddling with other peoples’ spaces could be why you will be a guest of the state. 2024 data shows that between five and 11 per cent of children who were brought to court in different counties had been charged with breach of peace or creating a disturbance.
C for Corruption and Crime Prevention
At least 49 cases worth Sh 6 billion were prosecuted while in crime prevention, there was a general reduction in general crimes such as robbery, break-ins, stock theft, vehicle theft, drug offences, and traffic crime.
D for Directorate of Immigration and Dussit D2
Here, at least 14 persons were arrested over allegations of illegal document facilitation. The documents were claimed to be allegedly used for processing work permits, visas and passports. In the meantime, the State concluded its case against three men who are accused of facilitating the Dussit D2 terror attack.
E for Ethiopia and Eritrea
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Ethiopia and Eritrea had the largest number of illegal immigrants who were being trafficked through Kenya. Security agencies intercepted dozens of them. On January 2, 2024, this year, 73 Ethiopians were rescued in Lucky Summer. Four days later, another group of 47 were intercepted along Makindu, Mombasa Road. The police then two days later got 33 others in Njiru area. On 24th of the same month, there were six Ethiopians who were rescued. The persons behind the trafficking were also arrested. In the meantime, On February 7, 2024, 18 Eritrean nationals were intercepted in Malgis, Nairobi. The following day, another group of 12 were rescued in Maanza Court, Nairobi. On February 26, 2024, a Kenyan and an Ethiopian were arrested after 162 Ethiopian illegal immigrants were intercepted in Mihang’o. In Tassia, there were 57 Ethiopians, in Joska, there were 19, in Kamulu ( 78), Eastleigh (4), Chokaa (23), Umoja (15), Kitengela (6), and Nasra (102). The following day, another group of 87 Ethiopians and 18 Eritreans were intercepted in the same area.
On April 2, 2024, an Ethiopian trafficker was deported to his mother country where he is wanted for involvement of human trafficking. At the same time, on May 13, 2024, an Eritrean was also deported to Uganda where he was being sought for the same crime. Others who were trafficked are from Burundi.
Human trafficking in Kenya has been on the rise due to the increased flow of immigrants fleeing conflict, political violence, poverty, natural disasters and in search of better opportunities to improve their livelihoods. Kenya continues to witness a significant number of Somali, Ethiopian, Eritrean and Sudan nationals being smuggled into and through the country.
F for Fatuma Ahmed, Femicide and Firearms
Fatuma Ahmed could be perhaps the single Kenyan who has paid the heaviest after being found guilty of a crime. She was jailed for 40 years in addition to a Sh826 million fine for trafficking heroin and cocaine worth Sh279 million. She alongside her late husband Swaleh Yussuf alias Candy Rain or Kandereni were said to be the he heirs of the Akasha drug empire. Nevertheless, his death and her sentencing meant the end for both. Yussuf and were widely known in drug trafficking circles as the Bonnie and Clyde of the trade. In the meantime, at least 22 arms were recovered in different parts of the country. Security agencies link access to illicit firearms in post-conflict areas within the region to urban crime, such as robberies and muggings due to pistols. At the same time, rifles and shotguns are more prevalent in rural areas. They are used in self-defence during inter and intra-communal conflicts, protection of livestock, wildlife poaching, banditry, and cattle rustling.
Additionally, arms trafficking is linked to human trafficking and smuggling as well as fueling the perpetration of violent extremism and terrorism in the region. Femicide in the country is an issue that has everyone worrying. The number of women and girls killed or maimed this year has raised a red flag that more measures should be taken to end the vice.
G for Greenwood Estate, Gang Rape and Grievous harm
On November 18, 2024, two persons were arrested at Greenwood Estate, Nyali, with 40 kilos of skunk worth Sh 2 million. At the same time, data reveals that parents need to teach their children about grievous harm. Counties such as Kisii, Kakamega, and Kisumu had minors who were arraigned in court over the offence. Gang rape among minors is also a concern. As children are on holiday, teaching them to respect either gender and not to engage in such vile activities would help keep them off courts and borstal institutions.
H for Haiti, Huruma and Human trafficking
The Kenya Police went international for the first time this year. In March this year, President William Ruto said that Kenya is ready to send 1000 officers to Haiti to deal with gangs that were terrorizing the country. So far, the officers have made gains in territories that had been under Jimmy Cherizier who is also known as Barbecue. In the meantime, four suspects were arrested on January 24 this year at Huruma in possession of 19 bales of marijuana (shash) valued at Sh 500,000. At least 58 persons were arrested in various parts of the country for human trafficking.
I for Isiolo men and indecent acts
Abdi Abdulahi Cholo, also known in the streets as Majaz, a man from Isiolo is currently in a US jail, awaiting sentencing in March next year for plotting to execute another ‘9/11’ style terror attack. Cholo’s story is tied to yet another man from Isiolo, the infamous Ali Salim Gichunge. Gichunge also crossed into Somalia and joined the terror group. Gichunge masterminded the Dussit D2 terror attack. Cholo was arrested in 2019 in the Philippines, with Kenya’s Anti-Terror Police Unit, the National Intelligence Service, and Philippine authorities playing a crucial role in tracking him down. He was arrested months after Kenyan elite security agencies killed Gichunge during the 2019 DusitD2 hotel attack in Nairobi. Among those killed was a US national who was a survivor of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks. Nevertheless, since we are in December, please keep your hands away from the other person’s body. Touching them inappropriately amounts to indecent assault. Since numbers don’t lie, you could be in the growing number of men and women who ended up in court for the same. In 2020, there were 235 men and 32 women in court for indecent assault. This number grew for men to 287 in 2021 but reduced to 28 for women. It is now in the 364 (men) and 35 (women) mark.
J for Judiciary
The shooting of a magistrate during a court session at Makadara Law Court this year led to the enhancement of security within the court buildings. Police officers who are visiting are not allowed to enter the court with guns or pistols and have to be left at the armoury.
K for Kenya Revenue Authority, Kenya National Trading Corporation and Katitu
KRA emerged top of other government agencies with the highest number of employees arrested over alleged involvement in tax evasion. There were 22 people who were arrested but prosecution has not commenced. They were released on cash bail by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations. On the other hand, former Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC) Managing Director Pamela Nduku Mutua and the supply chain manager were Tuesday charged over the multi-million edible oil scandal of 2022. They denied the charges. This came as Titus Ngamau, alias Katitu was freed from prison after spending at least six years behind bars. Katitu, an infamous cop will be serving a probation period as had been ordered by the court. He was jailed after the High Court found him guilty of killing a 27-year-old man in Githurai.
L for Loitering and lying
Some offences are known while there are others such as loitering are still in our law books albeit not being common. Data from the National Council on Administration of Justice (NCAJ) indicates Kericho had the highest number of minors who were charged with the offence. At least 116 were presented in court. In addition, at least two children in Bomet, three from Bungoma, and four from Homabay. Kiambu, Kilifi and Makueni had one each. One kid also found themselves in trouble with the law for lying.
M for Merti and Mombasa
Three alleged drug traffickers were arrested at the Merti junction with Isiolo on August 1, 2024. It is alleged that they had 66 bales of bhang. Three Ethiopian nationals were also rescued. At the same time, the Anti-terror Police Unit this year in court linked Dussit D2 with a foiled terror attack on Parliament and Kenyatta International Conference Centre. A vehicle with improvised bombs were intercepted at Merti and upon successful investigations, and prosecution, Abdimajit Hassan Adan and Mohamed Osman Nane were found culpable of involvement in the February 15, 2018, foiled attack. They were ordered to serve 19 years behind bars. At Mombasa Law Courts, a Tanzanian drug courier was sentenced to 45 years with an alternative to paying Sh 48 million on January 30 this year.
N for National Transport and Safety Authority, National Cereals and Produce Board and Namanga
These two agencies also had their employees being guests of the State. At least NTSA 19 employees were arrested over alleged infiltration of NTSA TIMs systems. They were also accused of allegedly manipulating motor vehicle records. Investigations are ongoing. In the meantime, four NCPB employees were arrested in relation to an alleged conspiracy to defraud Kenyan farmers. This is about the fake fertilizer saga.
There are six persons who were arrested and charged in relation to an alleged clandestine crystal meth lab in Namanga. The case is ongoing with the first witness, a senior anti-narcotics police officer testifying. The case proceeds next year in April.
O for Omar Lali
Omar Lali, the former lover of Keroche heiress Tecra Mungai will be charged with her murder after Senior Principal Magistrate Zainab Abdul found in an inquest in October this year that he was criminally liable. In her ruling, the magistrate noted that the doctors' reports indicated severe injuries, including a fractured skull, and that only two individuals (Lali and Tecra) were present at the time of the incident.
P for Prisons and Pharmacist
The High Court ordered prison authorities to allow murder convicts to pursue post-graduate education. Erastus Ngura Odhiambo who has been in jail since 2018, serving a 20-year jail sentence for the murder of Linda Wanjiku Irungu in 2014 at Buru Buru Phase 5, Nairobi County sued Kamiti Medium Prison after it failed to facilitate him to pursue a Master of Science in Project Management. Meanwhile, in Mombasa, a pharmaceutical Technologist was on October 9, 2024, arrested over alleged illegal distribution of prescription drugs such as Diazepam, Dormicam, Amitriptyline, Codeine and Rohypnol. He was found in possession of several sachets of Diazepam and Codeine that were stashed in his wardrobe and meant for local distribution.
Q for Question
Do you feel safe this year? Have the security agencies and those in the criminal justice sector helped keep Kenya, her boundaries crime-free? What would you like them to improve on?
R for Rustling
Decrease in cattle rustling as a result of operation Maliza Uhalifu in the North Rift. There was a 62 per cent reduction in the crime and recovery of livestock in North Rift (Baringo, Turkana, Samburu, etc.). At least 172 firearms were confiscated and destroyed in Rift Valley, Eastern, and North Eastern.
S for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Nairobi, Kericho, Kiambu, Meru, Kakamega, and Bungoma Counties had the highest number of SGBV cases in the country. Nairobi, with 2169 cases led grievous harm cases, followed by Kiambu with 1386 cases, then Meru (1371). At the same time, Nairobi, with 97 cases led in rape cases followed by Kiambu with 78. All the counties registered at least 32,909 cases of SGV. At the same time, data from the Human Trafficking and Child Protection Unit (AHTCPU) indicated that 46.4 per cent of the cases they handled involved sexual abuse and exploitation of minors.
T for Terrorism
The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) Impact Score Decreased from High in 2023 to Medium in 2024. The number of thwarted terrorist attacks was 47. In addition, number of successful convictions were 11.ATPU collaborations with international agencies included equipment support from the US, UK, Canada, Israel, Japan, China, and Kora. Some of the incidents successfully repulsed included the Al-Shabaab incident at Mangai, the Lamu Attack on the BPU camp, IED attack incident at the Mlima Faru GSU camp patrol successfully repulsed ambush. Planned Kwale terrorist attack foiled Seven suspects intercepted; firearms recovered and robbery prevented in Kwale.
U for an unnatural act
It is shocking to know that the number of unnatural acts among women and girls are on the rise. This is however on a very slim margin. In 2022, the reported number was only two. However, under the year in review, there were eight cases. The number of men engaged in unnatural acts is however in double digits. In 2020 there were 52 cases while this number shot to 85.
V for Violence against the vulnerable
At least 117, 603 cases of violence against children were reported between July this year and July last year. In Kenya, children continue to be subjected to various forms of abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, as well as harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage. In addition, some children are also vulnerable to trafficking, substance abuse, radicalisation, hazardous labour, and online exploitation. Nairobi, Kiambu, and Machakos counties registered the highest number of violence against children.
Wildlife Crimes and Wire Fraud
Wildlife and forest crime is the illegal exploitation of wild flora and fauna, which includes the taking, (supplying, selling or trafficking), importing, exporting, processing, obtaining and consuming wild fauna and flora in contravention of national or international law. This concerns plants and animals as well as products derived from them. At least 67 persons were caught by the long hand of the law for smuggling sandalwood, elephant tusks, and leopard skin among others. The most unique case was an arrest on June 21, 2024, where two were arrested with an African Rock Python skin measuring about 10 feet. Elephant remains the most vulnerable wildlife animal in the country as data indicates that most arrests and prosecutions relate to its tusks. On the other hand, sandalwood is the most endangered tree in the country. Kenya’s neighbours; Uganda and Tanzania have been cited as weak links in fight against illegal harvesting of sandalwood. This comes as High Court Judge Patrick Otieno ordered seven men linked to wire fraud to forfeit their illicit wealth. The seven suspected to be behind Sh 449.6 million heists from a digital loan borrowing platform, full, could not explain how they bought high-end vehicles and motorbikes.
For this reason, the High Court has ordered that they be forfeited to the government as they are proceeds of crime. Gideon Kipkirui, Kipkemoi Isac, Edwin Kipkorir, Nelson Kamau, Gideon Kibet, Jonnes Kipkurui, and Gedion Kipkoech had also been charged before the magistrate’s court.
X for Christmas
As we celebrate X-mas, we must put our minds around Common Christmas Crimes. They include burglaries, car break-ins, shoplifting and shopping mall thefts. Also, there are those caught in drunken driving fighting and domestic violence.
Y for Year
In all estimation, 2024 was a year that was hard for everyone, but the men and women who keep the country safe tried their best to make Kenya a safe haven. There were mistakes here and there, condemnations, and cursing, but we are closing the year alive. In summary, how would you rate this year regarding security and crime?
Z for Zip and Zoom
As we zip this package for now, but zoom back in reflection. Gen-Z taught us a lot. They reminded us that security starts with you as they used apps to trace each other and report what was happening around them. Report those accidents and incidents, and Zoom those phone cameras where you can so that we all holiday in peace and are alive. Two thousand twenty-five goodies await on the other side.