
Ruai OCS arrested by EACC officers for allegedly demanding bribes from detainees

Ruai OCS arrested for demanding bribes to release suspects in custody.

The Officer Commanding Ruai Police Station (OCS) has been arrested by officers from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

According to EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak, Chief Inspector Duncan Otieng was arrested for allegedly demanding bribes from detainees at the station.

"The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on Saturday evening arrested the OCS for Ruai Police Station, Chief Inspector Duncan Otieng, who was demanding bribes in order to release persons he had locked up in police cells from the previous day, on accusations of being drunk and disorderly," the statement reads in part.

The anti-graft body says they were acting on a complaint by a relative of one of the suspects who were in custody.

The suspects say they were arrested at an entertainment joint on Friday night, with no clear offense. The suspects were then asked to part with Sh5,000 each, to secure their freedom.

"The OCS told the detainees that failure to pay the demanded amount would see each of them spend the entire weekend in police cells and face criminal charges of being drunk and disorderly, on Monday,".

"Upon verification of the claims, EACC detectives mounted an operation leading to the arrest of the OCS while he continued to receive the demanded bribes."

While confirming the incident to The Standard, EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak condemned the senior police officer's actions.

"The Commission continues to receive many complaints of this nature where Officers Commanding Police Stations (OCSs) are locking up citizens, especially young people, then demanding bribes from them as a condition for release from custody," he has told The Standard.

He has urged citizens to keep reporting such cases which he says have been on the rise lately.

Following his arrest, the OCS was processed at Integrity Centre Police Station on Saturday night and is currently detained at Kilimani Police Station pending arraignment.