Kenya expects to harvest of 43 million bags of maize

Agriculture Principal Secretary Harsama Kello. [Kelly Ayodi, Standard]

"The solution to this challenge lies largely on technology and innovation. As a Ministry, we share the vision of ACAT, of ensuring that our people do not go to bed hungry by ensuring that we adapt and scale up appropriate technologies geared towards enhancing sustainable food and nutrition security," he said.

The PS was optimistic that ACAT 2023 will serve as the premier platform for advancing African agriculture technology transfer and advocating for the uptake of innovations.

Kello said the African Union leadership has recognized the pillar of technology in the socio-economic development of the continent. In view of this, Africa's Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action on Science and Technology (CPA) was developed in 2005.

Kenya, taking cognisance of this developed a 10-year road map, the Agricultural Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy (ASTGS), 2019-2029.

Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) Executive Director Canisius Kanangire said ACAT) will be held every two years to highlight concerns about farmers not accessing innovative technologies.

"The conference will bring together over 400 delegates drawn from government, academia, private sector, development circles, businesses, and farming communities among others," said Dr Kanangire.

The AATF boss noted that ACAT conferences will provide the platform needed by stakeholders who are keen on progressing the continent's socio-economic development, food and nutrition security through innovative agriculture technologies, as well as serve as a platform for generating information required to resolve the barriers to access, delivery and uptake of innovative technologies.

The conference will be held from October 30 to November 3 at Safari Park Hotel, under the theme: "Agricultural Resilience Through Innovation."