Former Kasarani MP Elizabeth Ongoro joins UDA

Former Kasarani MP Elizabeth Ongoro at Hustler Center after defecting to UDA on July 23, 2023. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

President William Ruto on Monday got a major boost after former Kasarani MP Elizabeth Ongoro defected from ODM to United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

Ms Ongoro was a member of opposition leader Raila Odinga's ODM which she rejoined in 2020 after defecting to the Amani National Congress (ANC) during the 2017 General Election.

In 2017, the then-Nominated Senator and the elder sister to Rarienda MP Atiende Omollo, defected from ODM citing frustrations.

Ongoro accused the elements in ODM of frustrating her bid to contest for the Ruaraka seat.

She would vie for the seat on the ANC ticket under NASA but lost to Tom Kajwang'.

Ongoro's defection will hurt Raila's support given that she has been a key political pillar for the ODM party in Nairobi politics.

In 2020, she was among ODM rebels that rejoined the party including the late Jakoyo Midiwo and Reuben Ndolo among others.

Already, eight ODM MPs including Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris, Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda, MPs Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Paul Abuor (Rongo) and Felix Oduor (Lang'ata) have decided to work with Kenya Kwanza government.