Adan Keynan: Finance Bill necessary for economic freedom

Eldas Member of Parliament Adan Keynan. [Ismail Noor, Standard]

The passage of the controversial Finance Bill 2023 report is Kenya's only way to economic freedom, this is according to Eldas Member of Parliament Adan Keynan.

Speaking in Eldas Town on Sunday, Keynan said although the budget process is emotive, all MPs must unite and support the Bill.

Keynan said the Jubilee Party will work with President William Ruto to revive the economy, and that he is optimistic that Kenya Kwanza, which overwhelmingly voted for the Bill, will carry the day.

Of the 257 MPs who took part in the voting on Wednesday, 176 MPs voted in favour while 81 opposed the report to have the Bill proceed to the Second Reading stage.

"Here in Eldas, my people need better roads, reputable health and education centres, and better results, which cannot be achieved through mandamano or kneejerk reactions but through working closely with [President] Ruto," said Keynan.

According to Keynan, the taxes proposed in the Bill are necessary to jumpstart the economy.

"Kenya is an economic hub and geographically well-placed, and the only way to reach its potential is through taxes, said Keynan.

The MP's sentiments come even as President Ruto and Azimio leader Raila Odinga jostle for a showdown in the National Assembly.

President Ruto and Raila have rallied their respective MPs, urging them to participate in the crucial vote on the controversial Bill during its Third Reading before the committee of the whole House.

According to Ruto, the Bill will provide his administration with sufficient funds, through taxation, to finance the Kenya Kwanza development agenda.

Odinga, through ODM Secretary General and Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna, has, however, urged Azimio MPs to oppose the Bill, terming it punitive.