
Truths on Kenya's vision to achieve prosperity

Auto Springs workers fabricating steel at the factory situated in Limuru, June 28, 2022. [Esther Jeruto, Standard]

As a country, Kenya is a nation of vision. Since the country's first dance of independence, freedom in 1963 to-date, the nation is focused on a vision and mission to achieve democratic, economic prosperity, justice and security for all. As it has been said, "Without vision, the people perish."

The truth is that as our national calls of harambee, peace, love and unity demonstrate to former President Kibaki's vaunted 2030 vision, we have been on a mission to be part of the wave of the future, the democratic, sustainable prosperous future. Kenyans thank those who fought hard and bled for the freedom, peace and national unity that we enjoy today. We also appreciate those who worked diligently to ensure the country is where it is now.

However, let us make no mistake about it, the tide of democratic, prosperity future is not like the Indian Ocean tide, inevitable. Kenyans are very human indeed. Yes, Kenyans are experiencing challenges as our headlines scream out: 'Shakahola cult of doom; cost of the Sudan crisis, public debts of Sh.9.17 trillion maturing at a rate of Sh50 billion per day; political impasse.'

The truth on Kenya's vision to achieve national prosperity and greatness, just like peace and freedom are indivisible. We cannot retain our freedom, and unity if we are disunited and lack sense of Kenyaness and grand-national purpose.

Newton's law of inertia informs us that every material body has a property called inertia by which it resists the change in its change of rest or in its state of motion. Such inertia is also present in the body politics, cultures, governance and bureaucracy of nations and communities.

Following are four truths on Kenya's vision to achieve national economic prosperity, greatness. First truth is the country has a vibrant Constitution, 2010 that is based on the lessons of the history of Kenya and other best democracies. The Constitution has all the features of what Wole Soyinka of Nigeria called "The national question on internal imperatives of a national durability."

Second truth is the patriotism of Kenyans. A Kenyan is one who believes that half a bread is better than no bread because half a bread is food but half a nation is not better than no nation, because a half a nation is not country but a dismemberment.

Third truth is that Kenya has a good history of national meritocratic traditions which to build its future prosperity. As the wisdom of the ages teach us, "Where the head thinks, goes and the eyes see, the legs and the hands follow." In this age of 21st century, society rewards those who have earned advancement through professional skills.

The ultimate test of good management is performance that brings knowledge to bear on the present and the future. Here is where Prime Cabinet Secretary Mudavadi and his team have their duties defined to deliver the dreams of Kenyans with admirable competency.

Fourth truth is that Kenya is respected internationally. This is the moment for Kenyans and leaders to take advantage of these blessings and draw supports from our international friends, Great Britain, USA, Arab world, Asian Tigers and others to deliver Kenya's vision of sustainable prosperity by 2040. It can be argued that there are no "underdeveloped countries in Africa."

There are only "undermanaged ones." Our greatest asset is the trust and confidence of the people.

Truths on the country's progress to economic growth are in favour of a nation with potential for wealth and human capital. Good leadership is about results, responsibility. This is the time for the nation to reinvent and come up with new grand deal to achieve the vision of prosperity by 2040 through a qualitative public sector management. When goodwill and competency prevail among people, there will be a country of plenty, economic prosperity and security. Kenyans deserve the best.

- The writer is a strategic consultant in Nairobi