How 2021 KCPE results have been distributed - Magoha

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha while releasing the 2021 KCPE results at Mtihani House, Nairobi. [Elvis Ogina, Standard]

The 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations results are out.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha today at Mtihani House, while presenting the results, said more than 11,000 students scored between 400 and 500 marks.

A total of 1.2 million candidates in 28,313 centres in 47 counties also improved in mean performance, even though the highest mark dropped from 433 to 428.

Magata Bruce McKenzie from Gilgil Hills Academy emerged as the top candidate in the country with 428 marks.

Prof Magoha noted 12 counties registered more females than males including Mombasa, Meru, Isiolo, Tharaka Nithi, Nairobi, Uasin Gishu, Busia, Bungoma, Kakamega, Vihiga, Kisumu and Siaya.

The number of absent candidates also decreased from 12,424 to 11,500, with the highest number of candidates (45 per cent) emerging from the "traditional"  years of between 13 and14 years. Over-age candidates (those above 19 years) had a high number in Garissa, Turkana, Kilifi, Kwale and Mandera.

The number of underage registered candidates also increased from 26,000 to 33,000, with Baringo, Bomet, Kericho, West Pokot and Nyamira recording the highest numbers.

English Composition, Kiswahili Lugha, Kiswahili Insha, Kenyan Sign Language, Science and Social Studies have seen an improvement in performance as compared to last year.

However, Mathematics, English Language and Religious Education recorded drops in performance.

Female candidates performed better in  English and Kiswahili. However, their male counterparts still dominate in STEM subjects. These include Sign Language, Maths, Science and Religious Education.

Marks distribution:

400-500 marks – 11,857

300-399 marks- 315,275

200-299 marks– 578,197

Here is the list of the top 14 candidates in the 2021 KCPE

 Name:                                                  School:                                                 Marks

Magata Bruce                                    Gilgil Hills Academy                                428

Ashley Kerubo                                   Makini School, Kibos                              427

Charity Buyanzi                                 Holy Family, Misikhu                               426

Sharon Wairimu                                Emmanuel Academy                                426

Chantelle Ndinda                             Kitengela International                              426

Stanley Otieno                                  Rophine Field Junior School                    426

Naomi Wekesa                                 White Star Academy                                 426

Ethan Karuga                                     Stepping Stones Preparatory                  426

Joel Njeru                                            Nyangwa Primary School                      425

Victor Muriuki                                   PCEA Mwmbi                                            425

Diana Natolo                                      Fesbeth Academy                                   425

Emmanuel Munene                        New Bambini School                                  425        

Emmanuel Ng’etich                         Moi Primary, Kabarak                                425

George Otieno                                  Hill School                                                425

Parents or guardians can check their children’s KCPE results by sending the candidate’s index number, followed by the initials KCPE to the SMS code 20076.

The service, which is available on all mobile networks, charges Sh25 per request.

Due to high demand, there could be a delay in returning result slip via SMS.

If you know any KCPE candidate who has scored at least 400 marks in the 2021 exam, we’d like to feature him or her in The Standard newspaper and The Standard website

Send us his or her name, picture, index number, marks scored, name of school and the county he or she is from. You can send the details through the phone number 0740 881 250.

List of top special needs candidates in 2021 KCPE

Name                                      School                                        Marks

Bethany Tatilla Migosi          Thorngrove Academy                  417 marks

Grace Nema Katana            Havilla Academy (Mtwapa)          

Kamau Jackson Ndegwa     Muthiria School                             401 marks

Musyoka Kings Kevin           Kathwonzweni AIC                       401 marks

Migosi Dominic                     Mau Narok EARC                         401 marks

Maina Leighton Njagi           Ol Kalau School for the Disabled   399 marks

Otieno Barrack Onyango      St. Cecelia Olare

Mwachofi Mkawaindi               De Paul Catholic School