Role of HR in achieving an organization’s vision

A company’s major objective includes making profits, increasing market share and gaining global recognition.

HR has a responsibility to make sure employees articulate a company’s vision, mission and values through clear employee communication.

Qualities of a good vision

1. Resilient

A HR should create an ecosystem for employees to embrace innovation and risk taking initiative without fear of failure. It has to stand political, technological and cultural changes.

2. Inclusive

A shared vision boosts the moral of employees for maximum results. It’s a difficult but achievable task. Mission performance starts and ends with people.

“People want to work with people who want to believe in what they believe in. It should not be discriminatory against age, profession, disability, gender, tribe, race or religion,” says Victor Chesang, a HR professional at Sovereign Group Ltd.

A vision should be embedded on certain guiding principles.

“I was in Tanzania last tear and there is one interesting vision I saw about a phone repair company talking of being number one in the world. And I was asking myself, on what agreed upon metrics, timeframe and objectives?” he adds.

3. Service oriented

A service oriented company’s vision should have the capacity to anticipate, recognize and meet employee needs even before the needs are articulated.

In business there is always a contributor and a benefactor. The primary benefactor of a company’s vision should be someone else other than the contributor. This means that someone else in the community could benefit through Corporate Social Responsibility.

A mission statement clarifies what the company wants to achieve, who they want to support, and why they want to support them. On the other hand, a vision statement describes where the company wants a community, or the world, to be as a result of the company's services.

A vision statement is a business document that states the current and future objectives of an organization. A company vision statement aligns with its mission, strategic planning, culture, and core values. A vision statement is used in business, government offices to set strategic goals.

How HR fulfils organizational goals and objectives


HR managers ensure the business is properly staffed to pull in the right human resources needed. It involves identifying the organizational structures and type of contracts every employee group is awarded. The right people are recruited and trained.HR managers compete in the market to acquire the best talent to absorb to help meet organization goals and objectives such as profitability.

Increase employee performance

HR managers must ensure that employees are motivated so as to maximize their performance. They motivate employees by various techniques such as promotion, increased pay, company cars and many other factors.

HR Managers also help in disciplining errant workers if engaged in misconduct.

Change management

Change may involve re-organization of activities or hiring new people to fill up some positions. Other times change happens to change organizational attitudes and norms. HR managers inform employees of coming change. For example, when installing new computers, the company will train employees on computer skills.

Effective administration

HR managers keep accurate data of employees. This data includes employee performance reports, their terms and conditions of employment, training and attendance records and their personal details. Record keeping is important as a requirement by National Minimum Wage regulations.