
How three pillars can ensure child’s success at school, college and beyond

Shikuku Shining Stars Academy pupils being trained at their institution at Sicharai in Kakamega on March 4, 2020. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]

Over the course of a child’s school career, there will be many challenges, ups and downs. But while it is always uncertain what the future may bring, the chance of increasing the success of a student’s educational journey improves dramatically if the three crucial pillars play their respective role consistently.

In every educational journey, there are three role players; parents, teachers and students, and each of these have certain duties during the course of the journey which, if exercised to the best of their ability, will make a huge difference to the success of a student, and their commitment to lifelong learning and continuous personal development.

It is important for all three to do their part, as leaving one out of the equation will undoubtedly have an impact.

Parents are involved right from the start of their child’s life.

Their responsibility is to take an interest in their children’s well-being. They will be selecting the school best suited to their child’s interests, and are tasked with ensuring they do thorough due diligence before signing up with an institution. Then, once at school, they need to stay involved.

It is also worth teaching children the value of perseverance. If there are difficulties, don’t simply move the child to another school, but rather work with the school to address concerns, building character and resilience.

Moving from school to school is a dead-end road and detrimental to the child. Rather, continually engage with the school to help your child grow, particularly where disciplinary issues are concerned. Children take their cue from their parents, so if parents speak derogatorily about a school or a teacher, that child’s ability to thrive is immediately limited due to a lack of trust.

Get involved in school and extra-mural activities and seek to become part of the community of growth in which you enrolled your child. Your school ultimately also becomes part of your personal network and life foundation if you give it your all.

Teachers' role extends beyond conveying information. Any teacher should answer the question “Would I want my own child to be taught by myself?” affirmatively.

Teachers should seek to cultivate positive engagement with parents, and inculcate the understanding that children are not just ‘seat-fillers.’

Every child is precious, and you have the biggest influence on a child’s personal development when they are away from their parents. A child that misbehaves often has a reason for it, so get to know the children you teach and their families.

Lessons must be properly prepared without exception so that if a child does not understand, you can adjust your mode of teaching until they feel comfortable with the subject matter at hand. Being prepared and empowered in the classroom also allows teachers to take charge when conflict or challenges arise within the three pillar relationship.

Finally, children must be encouraged to respect the rules, engage in lessons and ask questions.

Parents must encourage open and honest communication between themselves and their children, and teachers and children. Help your child set goals and work towards attaining them. Help them cultivate discipline by doing their homework and taking accountability for their performance. Doing so will for the most part eliminate the need for tutors as crutches, and will build resilience, and a willingness and ability to move on from failure.

It is important for parents to take time to investigate various schools and ensure they can help their children prepare to step into careers of the future.

School offerings vary and one school may be more suited to your child’s ambitions and temperament than another. Very importantly, once a child starts attending their chosen school, a commitment must be made to enable a child to thrive in that environment in a collaborative fashion based on the three-pillar strategy.

Essentially, when parents support schools and educators, this provides their child with the confidence to commit and succeed. When teachers engage openly and honestly, without fear or favour with parents concentrating on the child’s needs at all times, and when children understand the boundaries and expectations within the system, you have the perfect environment in which to build success for life.

Coetzee is managing director, Crawford International School Kenya, and Ouya education director, Makini Group of Schools.