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If ever there was a country whose citizens eat, drink and sleep politics, then Kenya it is. Every meaningful talk is peppered with politics, so much so that the first cry of politicians caught misbehaving is that the matter should not be politicised or that the issue is being politicised.
Misbehaving is their job description, for, that is what they do, and get away Scot-free because they whine that they are being persecuted.
Their voters, on the other hand, love complaining about their antics, and thieving ways, but at the same time cannot stand up to them and tell them that they are on the wrong. To the contrary, they also swallow the lame excuse, and end up supporting that lopsided view of persecution. Kenyans have been crying about the quality of leaders in the current Parliament; leaders who were not imposed upon them but whom they elected.
This happens after every election cycle and come the next polls, they make the same mistakes and re-elect the non-performers and add another group of lazybones who will not fight for their interests. One thing the voters never do, or are reluctant to do, is take their elected representatives to task during the campaigns or after they are elected.
Legislators pass bad laws that hurt voters, but the most voters do is whine. When the laws they passed come to haunt them, they run to the voting bloc to whine that their issue is being politicised. That silly season of campaigns has started, or it is continuing, only at a faster pace because Kenyan politicians get in the campaign mode immediately after elections. Come the next polls, Kenyans will vote in the same lazybones and new ones, and the cycle of complaining will continue. This silly season is the best time to question the ones in office over their track record in oppressing voters. This is the time to ask them why they should be elected again, or tell them that they do not deserve another chance, and prove it at the ballot.