
Expert roots for enhanced ICT skills in Africa

CEO of Rwanda-based ZoraBots Africa Limited, Benjamin Karenzi during robots presentation to Ministry of Health

Exposing learners to information and communication technology (ICT) skills at all levels of education, from basic to college, is key to enhancing the culture of innovation and creativity in Africa.

“Right exposure of primary and secondary school-going children and even college students to ICT creates an ideal opportunity for the learners to develop critical thinking skills which inspires them to be innovative,” explains the CEO of Rwanda-based ZoraBots Africa Limited, Benjamin Karenzi.

ZoraBots is a pioneer African Software Company that assembles and resales robots in Africa after value addition and improving the robots whose components are imported from Europe, South Korea, and China.

“We assemble robots that offer solutions in different sectors which include health, education, security, mining among others,” explained Karenzi during an interview in Nairobi last week when the company handed over three robots to the ministry of health.

The Robots that were officially received by the Cabinet Secretary for Health Mutahi Kagwe, are custom-made by ZoraBots to enhance the surveillance and fight against Covid-19.

“ZoraBots Africa Limited is the supplier of the Smart Anti-Epidemic Robots and technical support for UNDP and Kenya’s Ministry of Health,” added Karenzi.

He said the three robots given to the ministry through the support of UNDP and installed at Kenyatta National, Mbagathi Hospital, and JKIA are fitted with mobile video surveillance and have the capacity to perform data collection, storage, analysis, and reporting. They are also able to disinfect large areas such as airports.

He said that his firm has invested in research aimed at designing robots that offer home-grown solutions unique to Africa. “We shall blend the information and skills we have learnt and gathered from different parts of the world to develop home-grown products to enable Africa to be competitive on the global stage in terms of technical skills and solutions to emerging challenges,” explained Karenzi.