Locals defy Covid-19 rules to attend Bishop Makhoha’s mass

The coffin carrying the remains of Church of God of East Africa founding Archbishop Byrum Makokha. [Mike Kihaki, Standard]

Members of the Church of God of East Africa thronged its headquarters at Kima, in Vihiga to celebrate the life of founding Archbishop Byrum Makokha.

Locals on Friday defied the Covid-19 directives on social distancing and maximum of one hundred to attend the mass in droves.

Bishop Makhoa was hailed for the establishment of secondary schools such as Bunyore Girls, Mwihila High School, Emusire High Schools, Kima Mission Hospital among others which have churned many leaders in the society.

He passed on while undergoing treatment at Aga Khan Hospital in Kisumu two weeks ago.

Early in the week, Western political leaders had eulogised the late clergy as a humble, dedicated and humble servant to humanity.

ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi said the late leader made peace among Emuhaya leaders who could not see eye to eye.

“We must respect the church which he helped build by his dedication and sweat, we are here to bid farewell to him a man full of Charisma," he said, adding that Makhoha also played a critical role during the 2007/08 poll chaos. 

Faithful attend the mass conducted in honour of the late Archbishop Byrum Makhoha at Kima, in Vihiga County. [Mike Kihaki, Standard]

Vihiga Woman Rep Beatrice Adagala described him as a hero.

"We are celebrating the general. Generals never die. He has been a commander in charge of the church", she said. 

Church of God overseer Rev Daniel Omamo hailed the late archbishop for holding the church together for over a half-decade.

“Bishop brought us together, provided light to all dark corners with the word of God, health and education", said Omamo.

On his part, Rev Jerald Apwacho said the late had respect for everyone despite his status in the society.

"He was the leader of the church in entire East Africa but was very humble. Let’s emulate him and his legacy", he said.

Rev Apwacho who said the Makhoha stood on principals of stability and sobriety.

"We will remember him when he became the chairman of the NCCK from 1985-1988. At 88, he has left the church behind united", he said.

Rev Makokha was born on December 16, 1932, and trained at Ibubi PR School 1939, Kima High and Nairobi Technical School before moving to Nakuru for a pharmacy course.

He went to Mwihila in 1956 for a P1 teacher course.

Bishop Makhoha authored two books, one about orruption in Kenya and an autobiography three months to his demise.

He is believed to have raised many political leaders both in Western and at the national level.

The late bishop will be buried on Saturday at Ibubi village in Emuhaya constituency with President Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto, ODM leader Raila Odinga and Mudavadi expected to attend among other leaders.