Why you should pray together as a couple

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1. You two know best the challenges, potential and vision of your relationship/marriage.

2. God is the common denominator between you two despite your differences as individuals.

3. Having a healthy relationship with God will make you have a healthy relationship with your spouse.

4. Somethings in your relationship/marriage only God can do, not even you two.

5. Prayer brings about unity in your relationship/marriage and where there is unity, God commands blessings.

6. You may make your plans as a couple but God has the last word. Commit your plans to God as a couple.

7. Prayer brings about agreement. How can two walk together unless they agree?

8. Prayer reminds you two that you are accountable to God on how you love each other, making you both love each other better.

9. Prayer makes you two more sensitive to each other's needs, feelings and concerns; strengthening your bond.

10. Prayer convicts you of your wrongs and it challenges you to treat your spouse better.

11. Prayer reveals solutions and directions for your marriage. You won't be stuck.

12. Prayers keeps away the enemy, reveals to you threats in your relationship/marriage and protects your relationship/marriage. Relationships/marriages are under attack.

13. Prayer helps to resolve conflicts between you two. Couples that pray together handle issues better with less emotional drama.

14. Your children are your joint responsibility hence it is important to pray for them together.

15. You two were brought together by God and it will take God to keep you two together.

© Akello Oliech and Dayan Masinde


In my book, MANHOOD SERIES, I walk with men through the journey of understanding themselves and their woman.

In my other book, WOMANHOOD SERIES, I walk with women through the journey of self-discovery and their relationship with men.

To purchase the MANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word MAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer.

To purchase the WOMANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word WOMAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer