1. A monologue
is when you order your partner around, a dialogue is when you discuss as a
couple and decide together.
2. A monologue
is when you dominate the conversations, a dialogue is when you give your
partner a chance to speak.
3. A monologue
is when your partner texts you but you don't reply, a dialogue is when you
engage your partner on a chat.
4. A monologue
is when your partner is asking you a question hoping for you two to share but you
answer with one word answers, a dialogue is when you accept the invitation and
open up.
5. A monologue
is when you always have to be right and so you manipulate your partner to yield
to you, a dialogue is when you listen to your partner's point of view.
6. A monologue
is when you talk at your partner, a dialogue is when you talk with your partner.
7. A monologue
is when your partner asks how your day has been but you don't bother to find
out how his/her day has been; a dialogue is when you show interest back.
8. A monologue
is when your partner is talking to you but you are busy looking at the TV or
phone as you nod absently, a dialogue is when you are present and interactive
in a conversation.
kill relationships, dialogues nourish them.
© Dayan Masinde
In my book,
MANHOOD SERIES, I walk with men through the journey of understanding themselves
and their woman.
In my other
book, WOMANHOOD SERIES, I walk with women through the journey of self-discovery
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the MANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then
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To purchase
the WOMANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954,
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will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone
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