Working from home? Here are some tips for you

Most people have been forced to work from home due to the coronavirus outbreak all over the world.
This may sound like a relished idea to most people, however, there is a down side to it.
Working from home requires self-discipline and balance. For most people, working from home presents an opportunity to sleep some more in the morning, spend time with family, save on transport and avoid colleagues we would rather not be around.
Getting work done from home could lead to strained relationships with your loved ones as well as lead to overworking as one tries to prove they are actually working. This may lead to depression. 
Here are some tips to be productive while working from home and maintaining your sanity.
Set up a home office
It’s important to have a designated area that resembles your work station in the office where you can focus and get work done undisrupted.
The home office should preferably have a desk, a firm right-angled chair and a power socket where you can charge your laptop or mobile phone.
You should also ensure you have enough tokens to last you during the period you will be working from home and enough bundles to facilitate communication with your supervisor or colleagues. 
Establish a daily routine
You should ensure that you follow a daily routine so that your body and mind adjust to it.
Having a routine helps you know what to do next so you don’t get distracted by either housemates, an exciting series or food in the fridge.
You could wake up at 6am, exercise, take breakfast and get to work then take breaks at 10am, lunch time and 4pm.
Have a to do list
You should make sure you have a to-do-list as it makes you focused and able to follow up on things that need to be done.
It also helps you prioritise on important tasks.
It’s advisable to have all that you want to do written down so that you can tick-off once a task is completed.
Always include minor tasks such as calling someone, writing an email etc. 
Take breaks
Ensure you take frequent breaks to help you re-energize and clear your mind.
Breaks are very crucial as one is able to interact with the rest of the family members while still working.
It could be a 15-minute tea break or water break, playing with the children or having a chat with your spouse or roommate.
You could also take a walk outside to help stretch your muscles as sitting down for long could be harmful to your health.
A break also relaxes your eyes after staring at a screen for so long.
Make sure you set time to communicate with your colleagues and supervisor by giving them updates on projects you are working on.
This is important because it enables you to be on the same page with your team mates.
Failure to communicate as often could make your colleagues forget about you or worse still, lead to depression due to isolation.
Human beings are created to socialise and failure to have human interaction could lead to mental issues.
To survive this difficult period, stay positive, stay safe and be productive. Remember you are doing this not just for yourself, but for your loved ones and for humanity.