
The day a furious Moi summoned Uhuru to Nakuru

A combination photo of President Uhuru Kenyatta (L) and the late former President Daniel arap Moi. [Courtesy]

President Uhuru Kenyatta had mourners in stitches as he recalled facing the wrath of the former President Daniel arap Moi.

In his eulogy, Uhuru said Mzee Moi was once very offended by his unspecified actions that made Mzee make a 5 am phone call that he would live to remember.

“Sally Kosgei talked of Mzees’ scolds but hers were minor.  Some of us have tasted Mzee’s wrath. One day he made a phone call and I knew the call was not for the good due to something I had done the  previous day,” said President Uhuru.

A frightened Uhuru resorted to not to initially answering the phone, instead, asked his wife to answer it on his behalf.

“Mama (his wife) told Mzee that I was not around,” Uhuru told mourners.

His moment of relief was short-lived as the phone rang about five minutes later with this time round his wife telling him “hio sichukui (I am not picking up that).”

Uhuru answered the call and lied to Mzee Moi that he had been taking a shower but his alibi could not distract the reason behind the call.

The president recalled how fierce the phone call conversation was despite his efforts to apologise.  

“The phone rang for the third time. I told Mzee that I was sorry and I would never do that again,” narrated Uhuru.

According to President Uhuru, he was given an hour to appear before the former president who was by then in Nakuru but he did not heed to Mzee Moi's demand because of fear.

He told mourners: “Lakini mimi ninajua mjinga peke yake anajipeleka kwa moto. (But I know only a fool would take themselves to the fire.)

Uhuru said he went underground for more than a week avoiding Mzee Moi until things cooled down.

Despite Mzee Moi’s toughness, President Uhuru said he would forgive with the same magnitude.

“Lakini vile alikuwa mkali hivyo hivyo tu angekusamehe na kasahahu na hio mambo ya jana ikapita. (The same way he was tough, he would likewise, forgive you and forget and whatever I did remained the past).

In his tribute, President Uhuru termed Mzee Moi as ‘professor of politics’ from whom he learnt so much.   

He also described Mzee Moi as his guardian who took care of him after the death of his father, President Jomo Kenyatta.

“I called him father who ever since God took my father when we were young, he stood with us and took our hands until where we are now,” he said.

President Uhuru added that he has experienced the affection of Mzee Moi saying he has benefited from his pieces of advice.  

“I am here to say goodbye to my father, mentor and teacher,” said President Uhuru