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A forum to enable pupils who sat for KCPE exams overcome challenges associated with selecting an appropriate private secondary school will be held beginning today.
The forum dubbed Booked for life: private schools fair, will be held at Garden City Mall. It has been organised by the Standard Group in partnership with top private schools at both primary and secondary school level.
The forum will run from today to Sunday.
The meeting will offer participants an opportunity to meet education experts, who will explain to them the various strengths that different private schools in the country have, interms of curriculum and extra-curriculum activities.
They will also be told about the schools' cultures, values and their learning environments.
They will also know how the schools have been performing academically over the years.
According to a statement from the forum organisers, representatives from leading private secondary schools will be available to meet the prospective students on a one one basis.
"The learners will then know which of the private schools in the country is ideal for them," reads the statement.
According to the organisers, the event has been informed by the large number of students who, for lack of information and guidance, chose the wrong private schools.
Private schools have continued to post better results compared to their public counterparts.
In the just concluded KCPE results, private schools in Garissa County out-shined public schools, taking all the top 10 slots.
The same was replicated in Wajir and Mandera counties. The trend is similar for private secondary schools. Strathmore School, a private school, topped nationally in KCSE in 2018.
A total of 84 candidates sat for KCSE in Strathmore. The school managed a mean score of 72.28 points.
Moi High school Kabarak, also a private school, came at position two nationally last year
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