
Dear entrepreneur, put yourself out there – blow your own trumpet

Many entrepreneurs always reach out to reporters to have their businesses featured.

I know this because I have a box load of email requests, suggestions and justifications of why, ‘I am the best fit’ for this page.

While some of these entrepreneurs do fit the brief of what the magazine is about, the issue of unwillingness to share that which our readers would be interested in, always comes up.

However, having your business profiled is not the only way to get free publicity.

There is an overlooked channel, but it need you to really know what problem your business is solving.

You see, when reporters write, they are always looking for ‘sources’ or experts to authenticate their story.

Therefore, put yourself out there and let the journalists know that you exist and the knowledge you hold.

When people read the articles in which you have been quoted, they will know what services you offer.

How then do you put yourself out there? Be active in professional associations in your field and social media platforms especially LinkedIn.

Share your knowledge with people.

Why wait to publish on a major platform when you have the means to start publishing now.

This is particularly important for women who shy away from blowing their own trumpets and end up playing second fiddle to men in the same specialisation.