
How introverts can network

The recent case of an Actuarial Science First Class student who is jobless has been a weight on my mind.

Granted there are no jobs for nearly all graduates, but some graduates, in my view, are jobless because of their poor networking skills.

This doubly affects introverted students, the bookworms and nerds, who in a fair system should easily land job offers and post-graduate scholarships as well as build careers around academia.

However, in a jungle like Kenya, many bright introverted students don’t know what to do with their joblessness.

So, how can introverts network?

They need to recognise the weakness of being reserved and the opportunities that pass them by.

Once aware, they should consciously work hard to overcome their shyness. The best place to start is to rely on the old network of extroverted friends from childhood or high school.

Talk to them and learn from their ways. In college too, you can pick a friend who is your opposite. Get off the books, the video games and out of your rooms.

It’s better to go to a party and be a fly on the wall, than to remain indoors. At the party, you will always find another introvert you can hang out with.

Also, be deliberate about it. Look at it as a challenge like a mountain that requires surmounting. Work on it daily and give challenge yourself to talk to someone.

Just know human beings generally tend to be nice and take a risk. The worst thing they can do is say no. And that will be progress.

Practice on your confidence. You can get help from avenues like Toastmasters forums, Yusudi and other youth networking ventures.

You will meet young men and women of similar tastes and biases and can practice your confidence with them. The main idea is to know the handicap and seek help.